HMR Program Leads to Great Success for Tulsa Woman

Nora Connelly had tried what felt like every diet program on the market. While out shopping with her mother in Utica Square, she ran into an old family friend. Upon seeing her, Connelly was shocked at her appearance.

“When I ran into her, she was half the person that I’ve always known her to be,” said Connelly. “When I asked her what she had done to lose so much weight, she started telling me about the Health Management Resources (HMR) program that is offered through the Weight Loss & Wellness Center at Oklahoma Heart Institute.”

At that point in her life, Connelly knew she was ready to make a change. “I knew I wanted to do something, I just didn’t know where to start,” said Connelly. “Finding a program and getting started has always been the hardest part for me.”

Connelly started the HMR program in June of 2018. “When I started, I had no idea I would be where I am now,” said Connelly. “It didn’t even cross my mind that I could succeed in this program and actually keep up with it.”

Continued support offered through the team at the Weight Loss & Wellness Center is a major positive for Connelly. “The support is unlike anything I’ve ever had in any other program,” said Connelly. “Working with the team and knowing that they have your back and want you to succeed is great. It’s a great way to stay accountable and on track with the program.”

Building friendships with other HMR program participants has also been a highlight for Connelly. “When you are in a program like this and work beside other individuals, you really want them to succeed too,” said Connelly. “When my peers hit big milestones, I am so excited for them.”

Significant lifestyle changes have also been beneficial for Connelly. “The HMR program has changed my life in a way that I never thought would happen,” said Connelly. “Putting exercise into my daily routine has been huge for me. Getting in a workout is something I make time for every day, which used to be extremely hard for me. I hated exercising before but now I love it and how it always puts me in a better mood.”

To date, Connelly has lost 80 pounds and is still working towards losing more. “My goal is to lose another 20 pounds,” said Connelly. “I’m taking it day by day and continuing to work closely with the team at the Weight Loss & Wellness Center. It’s been great and I’m excited to see what’s next.”

To learn more about the Weight Loss & Wellness Center and the HMR program, please call 918-579-3444.