Oklahoma Woman Experiences Major Health Changes with HMR Program

Jenn Jordan has struggled with her weight since she was a teenager. For more than 25 years, she was consistently trying to figure out what to do to get to a healthy weight for her body.

“I was always the heaviest one in my family, my group of friends or just a group of people in general and it was very frustrating,” said Jordan.

Jordan was very aware that her weight was an issue. “I was always trying to find a program that would work for me,” said Jordan. “When you are carrying this weight around with you all the time, you know it’s a problem.”

Trendy diet plans were not the answer for Jordan. “I would start a new diet regimen and would eat according to the plan for at least one month,” said Jordan. “At the end of the 30 days, I wouldn’t see any progress, so I was always miserable.”

Jordan’s husband saw firsthand what she was going through. “My husband was by my side during all of this and was aware that it was really taking a toll on me,” said Jordan. “He is a police officer and his captain at the time told him about a new program that she had started called the Health Management Resources (HMR) program at the Weight Loss & Wellness Center at Oklahoma Heart Institute.” 

After learning about the HMR program, Jordan attended an information session. “I sat down with a coach and gave her my backstory,” said Jordan. “I told her that I had seen doctors and nutritionists, had blood work done and had metabolic testing done, but my body wasn’t changing. I should have been losing weight, but it just wasn’t happening.”

Jordan quickly realized that the HMR program was exactly what she had been looking for. “Having a coach, nurse and doctor working with me was very reassuring,” said Jordan. “They made it easy for me to learn how to stick with the plan.”

After beginning the HMR program in February of 2018, Jordan’s usual discouragement with weight loss programs became a thing of the past. “At the end of the first month, not only had I lost weight, I had lost exactly what was expected of me. I was on track with the program but more importantly, I wasn’t miserable. I knew this was something I could keep doing without any issue.” 

Jordan had a specific goal in mind for her first few months on the program. “My 40th birthday was May 4 and I knew that I wanted to lose 40 pounds by then,” said Jordan. “That was a high number and I had never lost more than 20 pounds at a time, but I knew I could do it. By the time my birthday came around, I had lost over 45 pounds.” 

That foundation is something Jordan strongly stands by. “Having that foundation is so important when it comes to being a bit more relaxed with your diet during the holidays or on a vacation,” said Jordan. “The ‘whatever’ mentality is out the door when you know you have a plan to get back to and you know it really does work. I intended to be relaxed during the holidays, but now I’m already back on track. I no longer worry or stress like I used to after having a day out or straying from my diet. It has set me up to be successful for the rest of my life.” 

Over the past year, Jordan has lost 106 pounds. “The weight just kept coming off and I kept going,” said Jordan. “If you keep doing what your coaches tell you to do, you can work towards a healthy weight. Even my taste buds have changed. I’m a very picky eater and with previous plans, I always struggled to find things that were in my own personal taste preference. With HMR, my coach helped me make modifications and I found things that I like to eat.”

Jordan is hoping to lose an additional 25 pounds. “With previous programs, I would have lost motivation or just figured that it wouldn’t work for me, but I know I can continue to lose weight with the HMR program,” said Jordan. “I’m not worried about whether or not I can lose the weight. I know I will because I’ve already had so much success.”

For the first time in years, losing weight is not one of Jordan’s resolutions for the New Year. “My goals are different this year and that feels great,” said Jordan. “I want to maintain the healthy lifestyle that I have created for myself and try to find new ways to stay active. My husband and I have already signed up for two 5Ks and we hope to do a few more. We really enjoy planning things where we can be active instead of just sitting around all the time.”

Losing weight isn’t the only thing that has changed about Jordan since starting the HMR program. “Before HMR, I had sleep apnea, GERD and plantar fasciitis because of a heel spur that I know came from being overweight for so long,” said Jordan. “I was also pre-diabetic and was heading towards the high blood pressure range. After losing weight, I no longer have sleep apnea, I am off of my GERD medication, the pain in my foot has gone away, I am no longer in the pre-diabetic range and my blood pressure is normal. Everything reset itself.” 

Jordan is amazed at what HMR has done for her and for others. “My aunt started the program last year and has lost over 60 pounds and has also experienced improvement with health issues,” said Jordan. “I have other family members who hope to start the program this year because they saw how well it has worked for me. I also post about my journey on social media which has allowed me to share information about the HMR program with so many people. I will always be an advocate for this program.” 

Now in phase two of the program, Jordan is continuing to lose weight and is excited to continue sharing her success with others. “I hope that I can help other people the way that people have helped me,” said Jordan. “I know what it’s like and I don’t want others to struggle the way I did for long. My life really has changed for the better. I’m surprising myself every day with new things I’m able to accomplish, both physically and otherwise. My husband likes to say that even though I’ve gotten smaller, my smile has only gotten bigger.”

To learn more about the Weight Loss & Wellness Center and the HMR program, please call 918-579-3444.