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What is an Advanced Practice Provider?

Our Advanced Practice Provider Team:  The Physician Assistant

What is a Physician Assistant?

A physician assistant (or PA) is a nationally certified and state-licensed medical professional.

They practice and prescribe medication in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and all U.S. territories, with the exception of Puerto Rico.

What can a Physician Assistant Do?


I Know I Should Exercise, But…
By Wayne N. Leimbach, Jr., MD, FACC, FSCAI, FCCP, FAHA

Everybody knows they should exercise, but most of us feel we don’t have the time, or think we can’t do the exercise activity level needed to get any benefit. To further confuse us, the recommendations in the media vary greatly and often reflect a particular sales pitch for exercise equipment, a workout program or a health club membership.

The Beat Goes On

The Beat Goes On
What You Need to Know About Atrial Fibrillation
By Gregory A. Cogert, MD, FACC, FHRS

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common heart rhythm problem in America, with over 4 million people who carry the diagnosis of AF and many more yet to be diagnosed. So, just what is AF?

Varicose Veins

Varicose Veins:
How to Find Relief
By Robert L. Smith, MD, MSc, FACC, FSCAI

If you are plagued by painful varicose veins, heavy, swollen, discolored legs, or any form of venous disease read on to learn more about venous insufficiency and the treatment options available at the OHI Vein Clinic.


Peripheral Arterial Disease

Peripheral Arterial Disease
Is Your Leg Pain Related to Cardiovascular Disease?
By Raj H. Chandwaney, MD, FACC, FSCAI, FSVM

Are you having leg pain but don’t know what’s causing it? It could be lower extremity peripheral artery disease (PAD), which, actually, is very common. Just what is PAD?