Oklahoma Heart Institute is comprised of experienced, compassionate health care professionals and our facility is equipped to handle all of your cardiology needs. We understand you may be hesitant to seek in-person care during the pandemic. We have enhanced our processes to protect the safety of our patients and team members and our commitment to high-quality and compassionate care remains. Please know we are taking the following actions:
- Waiting rooms, lobbies, patient and clinic rooms, restrooms and other areas with frequently touched surfaces are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected throughout the day.
- For operating and procedure rooms, pre-procedural environmental cleaning checklists are conducted, as well as special procedures for terminally cleaning these areas at the end of the day, and after treating a patient with COVID-19.
- Everyone entering the hospital is screened and has their temperature checked. If a visitor not seeking care has a temperature of 100.0 F or above then they are not permitted to enter.
- Our employees participate in a daily screening that reviews their current symptoms, including current temperature and exposure risk before being allowed to enter a hospital or clinic.
- Separate areas have been created within the hospital for treatment of COVID-19 patients and non-COVID-19 patients. These include procedural, surgical and inpatient units.
- Hand sanitizers are installed in waiting areas and lobbies.
Personal Protective Equipment

- Everyone entering the hospitals and clinics will receive a mask if you do not have one. Fabric and ear-loop masks are acceptable. Please continue to wear the mask unless you are instructed to remove it. Visitors are asked to wear masks their entire visit, even in patient rooms.
- Our team members have the appropriate personal protective equipment required for your care and safety. You should expect every person you encounter in the hospital to be wearing masks.
- Social distancing measures are in place throughout the hospitals and clinics. Any time you are in a waiting area, please refrain from sitting in seats that are blocked off to allow proper distancing.
- In some cases, floor markings indicating safe distance are in place to help you and our teams stay safe.
- If using the elevator, we encourage no more than two people per elevator.
We are committed to providing the safest care possible.
Thank you for trusting Hillcrest HealthCare System with your health care needs.
Mask Social Media Images
We "couldn’t mask for more" with these mask graphics.
After you click "Download", right click or tap and select "Save."
You are welcome to download these images and use them on your social media accounts to help promote the benefits of wearing masks to stop the spread of COVID-19.