Jennifer El Rhouaoui, APRN-CNP, CNS

Jennifer El Rhouaoui, APRN-CNP, CNS


Oklahoma Heart Institute South Pointe
9228 S. Mingo Road Suite 200
Tulsa , OK 74133 ,
(918) 592-0999


Jennifer received her initial masters degree from the University of Oklahoma as an acute care clinical nurse specialist after completing a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing from the Langston University. She began her career as a registered nurse with intensive care experience specializing in surgical intensive care patients. Her passion for nursing has had her expand her knowledge base and achieved her post masters' certification as a family nurse practitioner. She has held position of the Oklahoma Nurses' association president. She has also served as a preceptor for our local graduate programs as well as maintained her dual national certifications with American Association of Critical Care Nursing and the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. She has been active with noninvasive cardiology and is currently focusing her attention in sleep medicine.

American Association of Critical Care Nursing: Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist
American Association of Nurse Practitioners: Family Nurse Practitioner