What to Expect at a Sleep Study

When you arrive at our sleep center, you are welcomed by our highly qualified technicians and shown to your comfortable bedroom. The sleep study process will be explained and you will have an opportunity to ask questions. Before the study starts, you will be guided through every step so you are comfortable with the process and your surroundings. As you enter sleep, we will monitor you with our state of the art equipment. A sleep specialist will observe your sleep patterns, brain waves, eye movements, breathing, oxygen levels, heart rate, muscle activity, and more with leads attached to your body. While sleeping with multiple sensors might seem difficult, most patients find they fall asleep very easily. If a sleep disorder is discovered, we will work with your referring physician to provide ongoing treatment and support. 

You can relax and enjoy your overnight stay in a stylish and luxurious room. All of our oversized fully furnished hotel-style bedrooms feature a queen size, luxury bed with pillows and 300+ thread count sheets.