Oklahoma Heart Institute's Commitment to Care

While the global spread of COVID-19 has made a tremendous impact on everyday lives, Oklahoma Heart Institute’s (OHI) commitment to your health and safety remains unchanged. To continue in our vigilance to protect you and our staff from infection, the following practices have been implemented at all OHI locations.

Everyone who enters a Oklahoma Heart Institute facility has their temperature checked. This applies to every physician, staff member, patient, guest and vendor. To prevent the spread of any germs, everyone is provided with an ear-loop mask. All are required to wear it while they are inside the facility.

All waiting area surfaces are thoroughly cleaned several times each day using a high-grade disinfectant.
In many clinic waiting areas, some chairs have been removed to allow those that remain to be spaced six feet apart. Contact points such as brochures, magazines have been removed to minimize the number of surfaces that are touched.

Fewer people in and out of each clinic reduces the chance of spread even further. For that reason, we continue to ask you limit to one guest with you at your appointment if you need physical assistance or assistance with physician instructions.

The same high-grade disinfectant used in the waiting areas is also used in every exam room immediately following every visit. All surfaces are wiped thoroughly.
Physicians and staff continue to wash their hands before and after every visit, as they always have. The supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) is monitored daily at each clinic. That supply level is stable.

Patients with COVID-related symptoms who request an appointment are instructed to contact their PCP office via telephone to request a video visit. If their PCP determines that they may, in fact, have the virus, they are directed to the Utica Park Clinic Respiratory Center for testing. There is never a need for a suspected COVID-19 positive patient to step inside OHI clinic facilities.

Online virtual care is an excellent way to get the care you need while maintaining an abundance of social distancing. There are two options:

1. VIDEO VISITS are available for current and new OHI patients. They are real-time video/audio calls with your health care provider through a website such as Doxy.me or FaceTime. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call your clinic at 918-592-0999. You can also schedule a video visit through OHI's MyChart. Simply log in to your account, click on Schedule an Appointment, then Video Visit. Many patients have been surprised to learn how easy video visits are. It’s as simple as clicking on the link that we email to you.

2. VIRTUAL CHECK-INS are available to current OHI patients. They are telephone calls with your health care provider. For an appointment, call your clinic at 918-592-0999.

Convenience, cleanliness and safety have always been important. Get the care you want or need with Oklahoma Heart Institute. You can feel confident making an appointment today.