Oklahoma Heart Institute In the News: Holiday Heart Syndrome

KTUL-TV News Channel 8

Reporter: Kim Jackson


The holidays can pull on your heart strings, literally. More people die from heart disease during December, according to numerous studies. So if you think you have heart illness, now is the time to listen to your body.

Hospitals and doctors are seeing more patients because of colds and virus. Heart patients are more susceptible to illness, particularly this time of year. But anyone including you, can have issues. Doctors say the holidays can weigh on almost anyone's heart.

Already the winter months force heart doctors and heart patients to deal with more complications from cold and virus.  Add in the excessive food, and that means more illness.

The stress of holidays can also be a heartache--ending in heart attack. Even healthy men and women can cause their heart to work harder, by drinking excessively. Going on a binge, drinking a lot can cause atrial fibrillation: wild, irregular heartbeats hat could lead to a stroke.

"We are not saying don't enjoy yourself and don't make merry with friends, just do it responsibly. You can certainly have a glass of alcohol. You can certainly have your favorite piece of pie, just not all day everyday," said Dr. Frank Gaffney, Oklahoma Heart Institute.

Doctors say also watch out for salty and fatty that could have an immediate impact and also hurt you in the long run.