
Go inside the case with Dr. Robert Smith, Dr. Stanely Zimmerman and Dr. Farhan Khawaja as they perform a high risk stent procedure utilizing advanced technology including the Impella assist device and coronary OCT imaging.

Earlier this summer as vacationers laid out beach towels, adjusted their sunglasses and felt the warmth of the sun’s rays, researchers presented the world’s largest study examining the link between Vitamin D and hypertension at the European Society of Human Genetics Conference in Paris, France.

The data presented from more than 35 studies and 155,000 people revealed that high concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D resulted in lower blood pressure levels and a reduced risk of hypertension. When we are not taking a break from real life, our daily habits have resulted in lower Vitamin... Read More »

High blood pressure is a fairly common health issue in our culture. In fact, one in three Americans has high blood pressure, defined as blood pressure readings of 140/90 mmHg or greater. Roughly 67 million people are affected. With advancements in medication therapy and awareness of lifestyle modifications, many patients are able to control their high blood pressure and help reduce the risk of major cardiovascular events like stroke, heart attack and other damaging health conditions. However, for an estimated 13 percent of those with high blood pressure, medication and lifestyle... Read More »

Hillcrest Medical Center offers an outpatient Wound Care Clinic for patients with acute wounds or chronic wounds that won’t heal on their own. Many patients have diabetic foot and leg ulcers, which when they become so severe, amputation may be the final course of action. However, recent data is encouraging for these patients, as foot and leg amputation has decreased 65 percent in recent years. Contributing factors include improved treatment of foot wounds and diabetes management, along addressing cardiovascular issues in these patients. Treating and preventing cardiovascular disease can... Read More »

Dr. Wayne Leimbach, Director of the Cardiac and Interventional Laboratories at Oklahoma Heart Institute, comments on recent news regarding a large study finding statin medication as a class are “well tolerated.”

Statins are a class of medications that lower cholesterol levels. Elevated LDL-cholesterol has been shown to be a major risk factor for the development of blockages in blood vessels to the heart and brain. Lowering LDL-cholesterol levels with statins has been shown in many large trials to significantly lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes and decrease the need for... Read More »

It may have been following a high school sports physical or a regular checkup with your doctor when you first heard, “You have a heart murmur.” But what does that mean? Is it serious or something you just need to be aware of?

Oklahoma Heart Institute cardiologist, Dr. Neil Agrawal, consults with patients about this at the Oklahoma Heart Institute Heart Valve Clinic to make sure patients understand their precise condition and what monitoring and follow-up care is needed.

Detectable sound

“A heart murmur is the description of the sound of turbulent (agitated) flow... Read More »

Have you noticed any changes when you go out for a walk or run? Do your legs begin to cramp and ache after a few minutes of exercise, but feel better when you stop exercising? Peripheral artery disease may be the cause of your leg pain and can lead to more serious complications.

What is PAD?

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a condition that leads to the narrowing or hardening of the arteries that supply blood anywhere outside of the heart - legs, arms, brain, kidneys, and other organs. As blood vessels narrow, it is harder for blood to flow, decreasing the supply of blood... Read More »

What if an appointment could change your outlook on your heart health? Would you make it? Oklahoma Heart Institute is proud to offer that option to Oklahomans with the state-of-the-art Cardiac CT Scan. With heart disease the number one killer of men and women in the U.S., prevention is key to fighting heart disease.

What many people may not realize, however, is the first symptom of heart disease could be a heart attack. The Cardiac CT Scan now available at Oklahoma Heart Institute is more than 95% sensitive in detecting heart disease. Before chest pains, shortness of breath or a... Read More »

The date is Thursday, April 25, 2013 and Beverly Hall, 48, is about to make a series of important, yet seemingly unrelated decisions. Her husband recovers on the 4th floor at Hillcrest Medical Center following a scheduled total knee replacement. Beverly decides at the last minute to spend the night to help take care of him. The following morning, she is there when the physical therapist and occupational therapist arrive to help her husband dress and take his first steps down the hallway. She follows him, watching his progress as he walks down the hall and back to the room.

“All of... Read More »

For patients suffering from symptoms of Atrial Fibrillation, everyday life can be greatly interrupted. We’ve shared stories of AFib patients who thought they were going to have to give up their careers, but weren’t ready to retire. Another patient couldn’t explain why he suddenly had no energy past 4pm. Some patients have lived with the fear of AFib episodes for 20 years, before being told there was something that could be done about it. Today, new developments in treating and understanding Atrial Fibrillation bring more hope to patients seeking an answer for their AFib.

PROTECT... Read More »