

One of the big health discussions in the news this week is about a story which aired on 60 Minutes Sunday.  Popular medical journalist Dr. Sanjay Gupta interviewed Dr. Robert Lustig, professor of clinical pediatrics and endocrinology at the University of California, San Francisco.  Dr. Lustig says that sugar in any form is responsible for many of the illnesses plaguing Americans, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and even cancer.  Through the treatment of his own patients, sick and obese children, Dr. Lustig... Read More »

According to a new study from the Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego, adults who eat chocolate on a regular basis are actually thinner than those who do not.  Chocolate, especially dark chocolate has long been associated with protecting the cardiovascular system and good for your overall heart health.  Researchers discovered the cocoa bean contains plant nutrients called “flavonoids”, which protect against environmental toxins and help repair damage.  In addition, research has shown flavonoids also help lower blood pressure and improve blood flow, which help... Read More »

If you could lower your risk of heart disease and cancer by choosing what is on your plate, would you?  Most of us would without question, but what if that meant giving up your regular burgers, steaks, or side of bacon?  Researchers at Harvard revealed the results of a study on red meat consumption this week.  If you are a meat lover, what they found may make you rethink your dining habits.  Oklahoma Heart Institute Cardiologist Dr. Eric Auerbach looks at the study and how we should interpret these findings.

Red Meat:... Read More »

Oklahoma Heart Institute celebrates the 3rd year since opening Oklahoma’s largest hospital dedicated exclusively to heart disease March 2009.  Today, we look back on the last 3 years and celebrate the milestone’s we’ve reached.

Treated 1st Patients (March 2009)

Comprehensive, on-site cardiology care at Bailey Medical Center in Owasso (October 2009)

Invited Tulsa area private and public schools, clubs, and nursing students to tour the MegaHeart exhibit for 1st anniversary celebration (March 2010)

Opening of the Oklahoma Heart Institute Vein Clinic (March 2010)... Read More »

March 5th - 11th is National Sleep Awareness Week.  Oklahoma Heart Institute Sleep Care's Medical Director, Dr. Kevin Lewis takes a look at the high tech world of sleep and innovative products on the market.

If you have ever had a sleepless night, tossing and turning, you know how poorly you feel the next day.  You are lethargic, your appetite is off, and you have difficulty focusing. 

40 million Americans suffer from sleepless nights every night.  That’s right, 1 in 6 of us suffer from a sleep disorder, which disrupts our waking hours and our health.  It is also why so many... Read More »

Oklahoma Heart Institute Cardiac Electrophysiologist, Dr. Craig Cameron, performs the Institute’s 100th cryoballoon ablation procedure since adopting the technology May 2011.  This procedure provides a new option for some patients living with Atrial Fibrillation, the most common heart rhythm problem affecting adults in America.  Currently, more than 4 million people carry the diagnosis of Atrial Fibrillation with many more yet to be diagnosed.  There is an increasing incidence with age, and it is estimated that 25% of adults over 40 will develop Atrial Fibrillation during their lifetime... Read More »

Chest pain, discomfort, and numbness in the left arm have long been associated as the “hallmark symptoms” of a heart attack.  These symptoms are triggers not only in the mind of the patient, but also the medical staff admitting and treating the patient, to first look at the possibility of a heart attack.  What if these symptoms aren’t there?

Women more likely to have a heart attack with none of the traditional symptoms.

A new study is raising concern there are men and women suffering heart attacks with no chest... Read More »

The Heart Attack Grill has been making headlines lately due to the irony of one of its patrons suffering a heart attack while eating a 6000 calorie “Triple Bypass Burger”. While the irony of the Heart Attack Grill story was not lost in the media coverage, it is important to remind everyone what is recommended in terms of healthy consumption of red meat, whether the dish is cleverly named or not. So what is the recommended, healthy consumption of red meat?

When asked how much Americans should be consuming red meat, Oklahoma Heart Institute cardiologist, Dr. Eugene Ichinose points... Read More »

You may have thought foods like chips and pretzels were some of the worst offenders when it comes to our salt intake.  However, according to a new report, that commonly held belief has been turned upside down.  Well, almost.

Hidden salt exposed: Bread tops the list of worst offenders.

The findings, published this week in the CDC’s  Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, states 65% of the salt Americans consume comes from store-bought foods, chips included.  What is making headlines this week, is not that known... Read More »

Electrophysiologists at Oklahoma Heart Institute are the first physicians in Oklahoma to offer the Arctic Front® Cardiac CryoAblation Catheter system, the first and only cryoballoon in the United States indicated to treat paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF), a serious heart rhythm disorder that affects millions of Americans. Drs. Craig Cameron and Greg Cogert, Electrophysiologists with Oklahoma Heart Institute, completed the first CryoBalloon Ablation procedure on Tuesday, May 24th at Oklahoma Heart Institute.

Recently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the... Read More »