
Judy Marshall is making a difference in her community as a result of surviving two heart attacks. When her heart took her off the road, Marshall decided to channel the energy she put forth into driving a truck across the country into her hometown one project at a time. Here is her Oklahoma Heart Institute story.



The news stories seem to be running together these days on the latest findings on the prevalence of diabetes in America. We have reported on the latest in diabetes management and how this growing epidemic will affect not only our country, but specifically our state in the very near term. We know that by 2050, 1 in 3 adults will have type 2 diabetes. We now know that proportion will be even higher in Oklahoma. The work of endocrinologists like Oklahoma Heart Institute’s Dr. Cristin Bruns is critical in treating patients today and preparing for patients of tomorrow. Worldwide, it is... Read More »


Atrial Fibrillation (AFib), the most common heart arrhythmia affecting up to 5 million Americans, is now linked to an increased risk for sudden cardiac death, according to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The association was studied in two population cohorts, finding the risk triples for those with incident AFib and doubles after the onset of AFib.  Researchers believe this study confirms AFib should no longer be viewed as “a benign condition.”   More than 15,000 adults ages 45 at 64 at the baseline participated in theAtherosclerosis Risk... Read More »

Smoking is the roulette of health gambles. Watching the wheel spin, the marble ball bounce over red, then black until finally stopping on the final number, you never know what you are going to get. You could smoke for a lifetime and escape lung and heart disease. You could be the casual smoker with a fist-sized tumor in your chest.  You could be the 2 packs-a-day smoker who finds out she has lung cancer right after the birth of her  first grandchild and dies three months later. For 55 year old Greg Goin, it wasn’t worth spinning the wheel and taking the chance anymore.

Born into a... Read More »

On Tuesday, November 13, a team of Oklahoma Heart Institute (OHI) physicians successfully performed Tulsa’s first two transapical transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TA-TAVR) procedures. TA-TAVR is a life-saving procedure for patients with severe aortic stenosis who are at too high a risk for traditional open heart surgery.

The transapical approach to TAVR was FDA approved in October 2012. Unlike transfemoral TAVR (TF-TAVR), where the heart valve is inserted through a catheter in the femoral (groin) artery, the TA-TAVR procedure involves implanting a new heart valve through a... Read More »


November 15 is the Great American Smokeout, a date the American Cancer Society hopes motivates smokers to make a plan to quit or actually stop smoking on that day.  According to recent studies, the number of Americans smoking has remained unchanged from 2010 to 2011, progress stalled as compared to the smoking decline reported from 2005 to 2011. Among smokers, there has been a change in behavior. The number of adults who smoke more than 30 cigarettes in a day decreased from 13 percent in 2005 to 9 percent in 2011. However, the number of smokers... Read More »

Two large arrhythmia trials were presented at the American Heart Association Sessions this week, which could significantly impact clinical practice.  Oklahoma Heart Institute participated in both national, multi-center randomized trials, the BLOCK HF trial and MADIT-RIT trial.  Oklahoma Heart Institute cardiac electrophysiologist, Dr. David Sandler explains the impact of these findings for patients, “whether through device choice or device programming, we are identifying opportunities to make dramatic improvements in patient outcomes."

 BLOCK HF The BLOCK HF national clinical trial... Read More »

The American Heart Association Sessions are underway in Los Angeles, California this week, presenting a record 28 late-breaking trials, many with potential to impact clinical practice. Director of the Cardiac & Interventional Laboratories at Oklahoma Heart Institute, Dr. Wayne Leimbach is attending sessions and reporting findings as they break. One trial receiving early attention and discussion is the FREEDOM trial, a study of 1,900 diabetic patients with multivessel coronary disease comparing results of bypass surgery to drug-eluting stents.

Combining the outcomes of death,... Read More »

At 58, Mike Pulzer was starting to slow down, but didn’t know why. “I used to stay up until midnight and wake up at 6am and be fine,” Pulzer says. “Then all of the sudden by 4pm I was done for the day, exhausted.” The normally energetic retirement community executive noticed he was also losing his appetite. Within a six month period in 2011, Pelzer went from 172 to 137 pounds. He knew something was wrong. Unable to get clear answers from his primary care physician and a recent treadmill test a nurse called “not normal, but not abnormal”, Pelzer turned to the Internet and found Oklahoma... Read More »

Oklahoma Heart Institute cardiologists attend the largest educational conference for interventional cardiology in the world this week at the Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics Conference in Miami, Fl. The conference is an opportunity for recent trials, studies and reviews of trials to be presented from around the world, alongside live televised cases showcasing the latest in medical advances and cutting-edge technology.

Dr. Wayne Leimbach, Chief of Cardiology at Oklahoma Heart Institute reported on this week’s events on our Facebook page and says the new devices and... Read More »