Those who suffer from congestive heart failure understand how physically debilitating fluid overload, or the retention of excess salt and water, can be. Not only is the condition uncomfortable and physically limiting, it is one of the main reasons patients with heart failure are admitted to the hospital, to treat the shortness of breath that often results. By eliminating the weight of excess fluid on the lungs and heart, patients’ symptoms and discomfort are greatly improved. However, traditional means for alleviating excess fluid, like diuretic medication and a low salt diet, can... Read More »
Lifestyle is one of the main building blocks for health. What you do today can affect your health for years to come. For that reason a recent report from the CDC is stirring up quite a bit of concern pertaining to teens’ health. According to the CDC, the number of teens 12 – 19 years old who are diabetic or pre-diabetic has jumped from 9 percent (1999 – 2000) to 23 percent (2007 – 2008) in less than a decade. What is more troubling, diabetes is one of the controllable risk factors for cardiovascular disease, meaning more teens of this generation are at an increased risk for heart... Read More »
A newly approved procedure that allows a heart valve to be replaced in patients who cannot tolerate open-heart surgery is now available in Tulsa.
The first two procedures in the area were performed last week at the Oklahoma Heart Institute. Doctors at St. Francis Health System are also preparing to perform what is called transcatheter aortic valve replacement, or TAVR."They went exactly as we expected and they (the patients) both were walking the day after the procedure," said Dr. Kamran Muhammad, an interventional cardiologist at Oklahoma Heart Institute.
TAVR involves the... Read More »
Most of us know someone who has suffered a stroke. The consequences can be devastating: paralysis, speech impairment, loss of memory and reasoning ability, coma, or death. Annually, greater than half a million Americans suffer the effects of stroke, and many of these events are preventable. May is stroke awareness month, and a good time to discuss this frightening and sometimes fatal vascular problem.
Stroke occurs when blood flow to brain cells is suddenly interrupted. Without blood to supply oxygen and nutrients, brain cells quickly begin to die. The most common type of stroke... Read More »
A newly approved procedure that allows a heart valve to be replaced in patients who cannot tolerate open-heart surgery is now available in Tulsa.
Have you been told open-heart surgery is your only option? Please join us for a free seminar presented by Dr. Kamran Muhammad to learn about this new, minimally-invasive procedure to treat of aortic stenosis (narrowing of the main heart valve). Click here for more details.
To attend this seminar, kindly RSVP to 918-585-8000 or click here to register online
Oklahoma Heart Institute at Hillcrest Medical Center opens the first and only dedicated hybrid cardiac cath lab in the region. This hybrid lab allows for seamless integration of a traditional catheterization lab and cardiac operating room to provide multidisciplinary, collaborative care. Physicians can perform advanced procedures that would otherwise not be possible. The opening of the Hybrid Lab is in line with Oklahoma Heart Institute's mission of providing cutting edge cardiac care close to home.
TAVR is a minimally invasive, life-saving procedure for patients with aortic stenosis who would be considered too high a risk for traditional open heart procedures.
Aortic stenosis affects the aortic valve. In late stages of the disease, the valve does not properly open and close, causing the heart to work harder to push blood through the calcified... Read More »
Exercise reduced the risk of death in people with high blood pressure during the course of a new 12-year study. The researchers also found that inactivity increased the risk of death during the study approximately the same amount as would an increase in blood pressure of 40 to 50 milligrams of mercury.
The 12-year study, which was presented this month at the World Congress of Cardiology, included more than 434,000 people in Taiwan. Of those participants, 54 percent were inactive, 22 percent had low activity levels and 24 percent had... Read More »
Saturday morning downtown Tulsa was buzzing with anticipation as the Tulsa Heart Walk was about to kickoff at 9am. An estimated 6,000 participants met at ONEOK field to take team photos and get ready for the 5k walk. Walkers were challenged to raise money from family, friends, and co-workers for the American Heart Association. To date, the Tulsa Heart Walk raised $661,948. Money raised goes to advancing groundbreaking science through research, strengthening emergency cardiovascular care, and implement health programs in the community.
Hillcrest HealthCare System was well... Read More »
Oklahoma Heart Institute cardiologist Dr. Robert Smith was interviewed in this KTUL Tulsa's Channel 8 story about the minimally invasive procedures used to treat varicose veins at OHI:
"As many Baby Boomers get on in age, they're more likely to experience the pain and cosmetic issues that go with varicose veins. Fortunately there's an answer to that problem that has proven to be very useful in recent years. It's call a vein ablation and it can be done during a lunch hour with some patients returning to work the very same day.
Jaunita Trammell is a nurse... Read More »