
Physical therapy after open-heart surgery was tough on David Engle. Recovering from a triple bypass and a heart valve replacement was not easy on his body or mind. When his cardiologists told him he would need another open-heart surgery for a valve replacement seven years later, Engle refused.

“I said, ‘No, we’re not going in.’” said Engle. “Recovery and physical therapy was too hard on me.”

Luckily, there was an alternative. Engle’s cardiologist in Arkansas told him about Kamran Muhammad, M.D., the director of the Structural Heart Disease Program at Oklahoma Heart Institute... Read More »

A device used for the first time in the world by cardiologists at Oklahoma Heart Institute, part of Hillcrest Medical Center, has now received authorization by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The Edwards PASCAL Precision system is used in the treatment of severe degenerative mitral regurgitation (DMR) in patients who are high-risk for surgery. The device, with its independent grasping, atraumatic clasp and closure, and ability to elongate, enables safe and effective treatment for patients with DMR, according to Edwards Lifesciences Corporation.

The FDA approval... Read More »

Improving your heart health is literally just a walk in the park.

Oklahoma Heart Institute, part of Hillcrest, partnered with the City of Owasso to provide educational signs to encourage healthy lifestyle improvements along the new Heart Healthy 5K trail near the Owasso Sports Complex.

“We had no other partner that we could think of than Oklahoma Heart Institute,” said Larry Langford, director of recreation and culture for the City of Owasso. “They are a group that is about education, prevention and saving lives. I want to share my gratitude to OHI for the partnership that... Read More »

Have you ever had concerns with your heartbeat? A cardiac electrophysiologist just might be the health care provider that treats you. Siva Soma, M.D., cardiac electrophysiologist with Oklahoma Heart Institute, answers some questions about his field and how it can impact you.

• What does a cardiac electrophysiologist do?

A cardiac electrophysiologist specializes in the treatment of heart rhythm disorders, abnormal rhythms from the heart’s electrical system.

• What is the difference between cardiology and cardiac electrophysiology?

Cardiology is a branch of... Read More »

James “JC” Marshall had dealt with chest pains periodically for some time and did not think much of it. Not until he heeded the advice of one Oklahoma Heart Institute doctor and took matters into his own hands, did the Arkansas resident finally improve his long-term outcome.

“It’s really changed my life because I don’t have to worry about it now,” he said.

Despite Marshall’s efforts to downplay his chest pains, his primary care physician ordered a stress test. That’s when Marshall learned there was reason for concern.

“About nine minutes into the stress test, I went... Read More »

After more than 40 years in the asphalt business, Randy Christian looks forward to his pending retirement at the end of 2022.

A grandfather of two with an interest in classic cars, Christian, whose health history includes a pair of strokes, wants to approach his next stage of life with renewed vigor as well. That’s why he turned to the Health Management Resources® (HMR) program at The Weight Loss & Wellness Center at Oklahoma Heart Institute (OHI).

“I wanted somebody to crack the whip on me,” said Christian, whose blood pressure was 218/178 after his second stroke and... Read More »

When you train your body to be in great shape, you not only look better, you feel better.

Ted J. remembered how great he felt years ago when he was a marathon runner. But now, with a BMI of 31, Ted needed to lose weight and keep it off.

Thanks to a fraternity brother, Ted found a good way to lose weight and live a healthy life again.

“I was at a college reunion at my fraternity and introduced myself to someone there,” said Ted. “Turns out that I knew him, I just didn’t recognize him because he had lost more than 50 pounds. Since I needed to lose weight, I asked, ‘How... Read More »

On May 2, the Valve and Structural Heart Center at Oklahoma Heart Institute (OHI) celebrated the 10-year anniversary of the first transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) in Tulsa.

TAVR is a minimally invasive treatment option for patients with narrowing of the aortic valve. When untreated, aortic stenosis results in disabling heart failure symptoms and shortened lifespan. Compared to open heart surgery, multiple studies have shown TAVR is more effective and safer, with lower risk of death, stroke and bleeding, as well as shorter hospital stays and a quicker return to normal... Read More »

Eric J. struggled with his weight for decades, starting in his 20s when he shifted from “school life” to “business life.” No longer able to eat anything he wanted, his more sedentary lifestyle meant he had to work harder at losing weight.

“I was constantly on the diet cycle,” Eric said. “I’d start dieting, lose weight, stop dieting, gain weight and start all over again. With each cycle, I gained more weight than I lost, and eventually reached 285 pounds.”

His doctor sent him for a treadmill test, which Eric said he “failed horribly.” Within a week, he was admitted to the... Read More »

For Stacey Prince, the term “sandwich generation” was something she learned very quickly during her struggle to lose weight.

A mom who cares for her elderly parents as well as her son and granddaughter, Prince works full-time as a data analyst at Oklahoma Heart Institute and also helps with the family businesses. She has tried to balance many schedules and health needs, yet still find the time to eat healthy, lose weight and focus on her own health.

But thanks to the Health Management Recourses (HMR) Clinic’s Healthy Solutions® program, Prince lost 22 pounds and is now on the... Read More »